Garnet Massage Healing Wand


Gemstone Wands


Garnet wand
Garnet Massage Healing Wand
very nice quality

ships within 48 hours

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Approx Size:

3″ long
rounded at both ends


Deep brown/red


Luck, Money, Love, Healing

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Garnet Healing Wand

The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip.

The energies of garnet are associated with strength, security, personal vitality and endurance.

It strengthens the base or root chakra, our link to the physical world. This chakra provides solidity and support – especially to the physical body. It is the foundation of energy.

Some uses of garnet include:

  • Find joy in physicality
  • Boost support and strength in one’s endeavors
  • Give and receive love
  • Revitalize energy and stamina

This is also a stone of psychic protection, releasing panic, worry, fear and anxiety.

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