Showing 1–16 of 68 results

Leopard Jasper Ball There are many types of jasper; it is one of the oldest known gemstones. All jaspers are strong securing, stability stones. It is a powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses. Leopard skin jasper is associated with shaman travel and spiritual discovery. It helps…

Agate Ball Agate is an ancient stone with strong protection properties. It is one of the oldest stones in recorded history. Agate is used for: Strength Harmonize positive and negative forces Create a sense of safety and security Protection Alleviate bad dreams Protection from energy drains Place a banded agate at the head of your…

Ametrine Sphere Ametrine is a rare and unusual gemstone that occurs in quartz when amethyst and citrine reside in the same crystal. Because the color zoning effect is natural, no two ametrines will ever be exactly alike. This very unique and beautiful stone creates a connection between the enlightenment of amethyst and the dynamic creative…

Blue Aragonite Ball Blue aragonite is a gentle stone that is used not only to calm one’s emotions, but also to intensify enjoyment in all emotional states. Intensify emotional perception and joy with blue aragonite! It banishes the fear of feeling unwanted emotions and opens renewed abilities to feel all one’s emotions. This is a…

Arfvedsonite and Eudialyte Sphere Arfedsonite was named for the Swedish chemist, Johann Arfvedson, who discovered the chemical element, lithium. It occurs in the USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, South Africa, Norway and Greenland. Arfvedsonite is a powerful aid to psychic vision and intuition. Used during meditation, place it on the third eye for clear insight to…

Tourmaline Sphere Black Tourmaline (Schorl) protects against smog, radiation, psychic attacks, spells of ill wishes, and all kinds of negative energy. It grounds energy as it is connected to the base chakra. Place this sphere in a room to disperse tension and stress. Black Tourmaline is a super lucky stone. Ruby is considered to be…

Bloodstone Ball There is a legend that says the bloodstone was formed from the blood of Christ dripping on the green earth and solidifying. It was also called heliotrope by the Greeks and was thought to bring change. The bloodstone has been used as an amulet to protect against the evil eye. Bloodstone is the…

Blue Calcite Ball Blue Calcite is one of the most soothing stones emotionally. It is a gentle stone that offers protection to emotionally sensitive people from overwhelming communications and thoughts from others. Wrap yourself in the gentle cocoon of soft blue calcite to assist with: Astral travel Meditation Enhance your dream life and the ability…

Blue Goldstone Sphere Goldstone is a man made gemstone that has been around since the European Rennaissance. Early monks working at a glass factory near Venice, Italy were practicing alchemy when molten copper accidentally tipped into a molten glass container. This crystallized into thousands of tiny crystals and formed a melt with golden light sparkles….

Blue Quartz Ball Blue quartz crystal is a soothing, stress-relief stone. It assists in the ability to reach out to others. Assuages fear Calms the mind Inspires hope Promotes understanding your spiritual nature Like all quartz, it can be used as a power amplifier during magic. Blue quartz is especially fine as a peace or…

Blue Celestite Geode Ball Connect with your Guardian Angel! Celestite (also known as celestine) can be found in clear, white, gray, blue, green, yellow, orange or reddish brown. It offers a gentle uplifting energy that will raise one’s awareness. It is an effective stone to use in order to establish and maintain communication with the…

Charoite Sphere These charoite spheres from Russia are delightful with deep purple to black coloring with many swirling patterns. Charoite is a soul stone with deep physical and emotional healing energies. It is a stone of transformation and is used to overcome fears. Charoite stimulates your inner vision. Charoite can be used to overcome obsessions…

Chiastolite (Andalusite, Cross Stone) Gemstone meaning Chiastolite is a brown variety of andalusite which contains a black cross. The name chiastolite derives from the Greek chiastos meaning “cross marked”. Chiastolite has been used since ancient times for protection. It transmutes conflict into harmony and dispels negative thoughts and energies. Some uses of Chiastolite include: Psychic…

Chrysocolla Sphere Chrysocolla is a very beautiful stone with many beneficial energies. It is known as a healing stone among Native American Indian cultures where it was used for strengthening the body’s resistance and bringing about calm feelings where there is upset. Chrysocolla is a stone of peace, increased wisdom, discretion. It promotes level headedness,…

Citrine Ball Citrine promotes increased mental clarity and magnifies your creativity. It is an important sacral hara chakra stone, enhancing wisdom and the intellect. Money energies of citrine Citrine is known as the lucky “Merchants Stone”. It enhances your ability to make more money through creative imagination and smart business decisions. Also used to: increase…

Copper Ball Any stone set in copper or used with copper with have an enhanced energy field. Copper even enhances the energy of silver and gold. There are some stones that are very powerful when used with copper. These stones are: Azurite Chrysocolla Malachite Turquoise Copper is a healing metal Copper has long been used…