
Tell me my totem $14.98 Amerindea will study your answers and tell you your totem, with information about the animal and why it is your totem. Or, for only $10 more … Tell me my totem, and ship it to me! $24.98 All of the above PLUS: Includes your 1″ x 1 1/2″ carved gemstone…

Magic in your life

Magic in Your Life OK, now just what is magic? Let me tell you a few of the things the dictionary says. “The art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of various techniques”. “The art of causing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand”. The dictionary also says…

Color Gold meaning

Color Gold     It is no surprise that gold symbolizes wealth used wisely, but it is also the symbol of good health. People who favor the color gold are optimistic. Gold Energy The tibetan Buddhist believes in 5 sacred stones: the crystal for light, turquoise for infinity of sea and sky, coral for life…

Frogs Return Moon

Gemstone Articles Native American Birth Totem Page 1… Frogs Return Moon: Apr 20 – May 20 Apr 20 – May 20 Birth Moon: Frogs Return Animal Totem: Beaver Mineral Totem: Chrysocolla Plant Totem: Blue Camas Directional Totem: Golden Eagle Elemental Clan Totem: Turtle Affinity Color: Blue Personality Traits: resourceful, conservative, creative, methodical, practical, persevering, reliable,…