Chakra Stones Chakra means wheel of light in Sanskrit. The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically aligned in the center of the body close to the spine. If the Chakra are unbalanced – not properly aligned or…
Gaspeite Gemstone Gaspeite was discovered in the Gaspe peninsula of Quebec, Canada – hence the name. It is also found in Australia. It’s color can range from pale mint green to bright apple green. This is a vision stone that enhances one’s ability to see and receive spiritual signs and messages in the world around…
Morganite (Pink Beryl) gemstone meaning Morganite is the stone of Divine Love. This delicate yet powerful stone opens one to the frequency of the universal heart. Morganite attracts love and maintains it. Morganite promotes abundance of the heart and prosperity of love. It assists in connecting with Divine Love and angelic energies: Helps to release…
Pink Sapphire Gemstone meaning Pink sapphire generates feelings of love, forgiveness, acceptance and release. This gentle stone provides strength in difficult situations. This stone combines energies of the heart with a disciplined mind, creating strength in balance. Pink Sapphire is a stone of passion that brings joyful play to any relationship. Helps overcome shyness Dissolves…
Rhodonite Beadsee selection Rhodonite Gemstone meaning Rhodonite soothes the nervous system. This gemstone vibrates with love. Just holding this gemstone promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being. This is a balance gemstone and is used to clear the psychic centers. Healing properties of Rhodonite Rhodonite raises self worth and helps ward off negativity. It…
Seraphinite Beads see selection Seraphinite Polished Slab…see selection Seraphinite promotes regeneration and self-healing. This stone is especially beautiful with its silvery white shimmering patterns on a sea green background. It’s name is derived from the Seraphim (Angels of the highest order) and this stone is used to establish connections to the angelic realm. It carries…
Rose Quartz Wand Use a rose quartz healing wand to open the Heart Chakra or Throat Chakra. These lovely rose quartz massage wands fit comfortably in the hand for comforting therapeutic massage. Use it to channel energy in reflexology and massage while receiving the healing properties of rose quartz directly though the skin. Rose quartz…
Shattuckite meaning Shattuckite is a stone of truth, wisdom and communication. Shattuckite aligns your life with truth. As a throat chakra stone (communication), it is great for: Public speakers, attorneys, teachers Stimulates the third eye, gives greater intuition and oracle skills Increases ability to receive and express truth Mediums use this stone for channeling spirit…