Showing 17–25 of 25 results

  • Placeholder

    Super Seven Tumbled Small


    Super Seven Gemstone meaning Super Seven also known as “Melody’s Stone” or “Sacred Seven” is a rare crystal found in only one place in the world, the Espiritu Santo region of Brazil, just north of Rio De Janeiro. Ranging in color from deep Purple, to smokey, almost black, to crystal clear with amazing inclusions of…

  • Tangerine Aura Rose Quartz Tumbled Stone


    Tangerine Aura rose quartz This Tangerine Aura rose quartz crystal has been treated with gold and copper. The natural rose quartz quartz has been specially treated in a process where a molecular layer of gold and copper has been fused to the surface of the rose quartz. This results in a permanent coloring which cannot…

  • Tiger Eye chip gem stone necklace


    Tiger Eye gem stone necklace When used in jewelry the tiger eye (cat’s eye) brings good luck and protection from the evil eye to the wearer. It also known to bring clear thinking and insight. Read more about the healing properties of Cat’s Eye. Tumbled Tiger Eye Tiger Eye Pendant Tiger Eye Wand

  • Tumbled Shattuckite Baby Boulder A quality


    Shattuckite meaning Shattuckite is a stone of truth, wisdom and communication. Shattuckite aligns your life with truth. As a throat chakra stone (communication), it is great for: Public speakers, attorneys, teachers Stimulates the third eye, gives greater intuition and oracle skills Increases ability to receive and express truth Mediums use this stone for channeling spirit…

  • Turquoise Chip Egg


    Turquoise Chip Egg Turquoise is one of the oldest protection amulets, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. If given a turquoise by a loving friend, that stone would protect the wearer from negative energy and bring good fortune. The turquoise is the symbol of friendship. It also brings…

  • Unakite Massage Wandrounded 2 1/4 long


    Unakite gemstone healing wand Unakite is a stone of vision. It is often used to balance spirituality with emotional situations. It is an excellent meditation wand and provides grounding when this is most needed. Place this wand anywhere that you want to create a calming gentle energy. Unakite will lift your spirits! Healers place unakite…

  • Unakite sphere


    Unakite Sphere Used in magic spell casting, unakite will give the user a more confident control of any spell. Unakite is a stone of vision. It will balance your emotions while enhancing your visualization skills. Display this unakite egg to bring a calm, gentle energy to any room in your home. Unakite is said to…

  • Variscite


    Variscite gemstone meaning Variscite is a fairly rare stone that occurs in varying shades of green. Also known as Utahlite, it is commonly found in Utah and Nevada as well as Queensland, Australia. This stone is known for it’s remarkable soothing and clarifying properties, as well as it’s ability to align and balance the connection…

  • Vesuvianite


    Vesuvianite (Idocrase) Cluster Vesuvianite (also known as Idocrase) is named for Mount Vesuvius in Italy where it was initially discovered. It is usually found in green but also can occur in purple, red, white, brown or yellow. This very energetic stone aligns the will with the heart, bringing a wholeness and integrity that is quite…