
Ammonite Fossil Named for Ammon, the Egyptian god of Procreation and Life, these ancient marine mollusks (cephalopods) were similar to the modern squid, octopus and nautiloids. They were creatures of the open tropical seas and are abundant in limestones from tropical reefs. These were perhaps the most agile and intelligent of the invertebrate carnivores, living…

Garnet Gemstone meaning The Garnet is known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, just put 3 or more garnets on your desk. It is believed that if a garnet is put under a pillow it will cure depression. Garnets can be used to…

Moroccan Geode A whole geode from Morocco. Open it and discover crystal caves of magical beauty! These are ideal to: Share one half with someone you treasure Clean your stones by leaving them on the crystal cave (crystal quartz has cleansing energy) Altar stone Sit on a desk or bedside table for purification A geode…

Geode with crystals Small crystal caves of power and beauty! Whisper your hearts dream into the geode and let the magic start working! A geode is contained within an outer form. When it is opened, it is hollow with many crystals pointing inward. These unique and beautiful forms hold and amplify energy which is then…

Serpentine Gemstone Bead Serpentine makes an exceptional meditation stone. It helps you to find inner peace. Serpentine was carried in ancient Assyria to request the gods and goddesses to provide double blessings. Some of the uses of serpentine include: Protection against poisonous creatures such as snakes, insects, etc. Balances mood swings Encourages the ability to…

Whole polished agate geode These natural agate geodes have been cut in half and polished on the inside. They make a wonderful gift to share with someone special. You keep one, and your friend or lover keeps the other half. These can be used as an altar stone, or for display to emanate the protective…