Matched ammonite pair Named for Ammon, the Egyptian god of Procreation and Life, these ancient marine mollusks (cephalopods) were similar to the modern squid, octopus and nautiloids. They were creatures of the open tropical seas and are abundant in limestones from tropical reefs. These were perhaps the most agile and intelligent of the invertebrate carnivores,…
Geode with crystals Small crystal caves of power and beauty! Whisper your hearts dream into the geode and let the magic start working! A geode is contained within an outer form. When it is opened, it is hollow with many crystals pointing inward. These unique and beautiful forms hold and amplify energy which is then…
Moonstone Ball Moonstone is a very personal stone. It is a reflection of the person who owns it. It does not add or detract, only shows how it is. This is why the moonstone is said to perceive that which “is”. Use this moonstone sphere in meditation. It is an excellent stone to use in…
Sunstone Sphere AA Quality Sunstone was associated with the Sun during the Rennaissance because of its sparkling orange-gold hue. It was used by magicians to call upon the influences of the sun. It is a protective stone. Position this sphere in front of a white candle to spread protective energies throughout your home. Sunstone is…