Standing Lepidolite Pointsix sided

SKU: bdb106a0560c Category:


Lepidolite Point

Lepidolite was discovered in the eigtheenth century and was originally known as lilalite (from the Hindu word
‘lila’ meaning play, game).

Lepidolite is not technically a gemstone, but a very beautiful purplish type of mica. It is referred to by healers
as the Peace Stone.

Some of the uses of lepidolite are:

  • Encourages independence for setting and attaining goals inconspicuously
  • Protection from outside influences
  • Relieves every day stress, and promotes restful sleep when placed near your pillow
  • Attracts good luck to those who carry it, and drives away negativity
  • When used with rose quartz, it becomes a stone of reconciliation of love

Additional information

Approx. Size:

2 1/2" tall; size sided


lavender with white


Love, Power, Good Luck, Protection