Showing 1009–1024 of 1768 results

  • Moonstone Triple Strand Chip Bracelet


    Moonstone Triple Strand Chip Bracelet Wear Moonstone to: Brings good fortune, passionate love Assists in foretelling the future Enhances intuition Can reunite quarrelling lovers Brings success in love as well as business matters Protection stone Balances the Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Placeholder

    Moonstone Wandround tapered


    Moonstone Wand The moonstone contains powerful lunar energies and was the stone of the goddess Diana. The most powerful time to use the moonstone is in a full moon. Moonstone can be used to bring good emotions to the user as well as offer protection. It can reunite lovers who have quarreled and is also…

  • Moonstone with Citrine Pendant


    Moonstone with Citrine Pendant in sterling silver setting Moonstone was the favorite stone of the Goddess Diana. She was known as a maiden huntress, and protector of all that is wild and free. Moonstone with Citrine will bring good luck into your love life. It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace…

  • Moonstone with Garnet Teardrop Pendant


    Moonstone with Garnet Teardrop Pendant Moonstone was the favorite stone of the Goddess Diana. She was known as a maiden huntress, and protector of all that is wild and free. Moonstone intensifies love and affection. A very personal stone, it is a reflection of the person who owns it. The most powerful time to work…

  • Moonstone, Citrine & Peridot


    Moonstone, Citrine & Peridot Pendant in sterling silver setting Moonstone brings good fortune, passionate love. Citrine encourages self-confidence Peridot helps us to gather wisdom from experiences.

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    More Agate:


    Eye Agate Gemstone meaning Also known as Botswana Agate, eye agate has been known to ward off the evil eye. This is the gemstone for people who are sensitive and lonely or easily hurt. It will help you have more self-satisfaction and protect you from hurt. See also agate, moss agate, tree agate. Healing properties…

  • More Agate:


    Tree Agate meaning Tree Agate is the common name for Dendritic Agate. The Stone of Plenitude Place one of these anywhere that you want to encourage abundance and fullness. Some of the benefits of tree agate include: Enhances the health of house plants Creates a peaceful environment Deepens your connection to the earth Be patient…

  • More aventurine:


    Aventurine Gemstone meaning You should never buy a lottery ticket without an aventurine in your left pocket. Lady Luck will be in your left pocket. This is the stone of opportunity. Aventurine is known as the stone of chance or luck. If you gamble or play the lotto, keep this stone in your left pocket….

  • More Blue Quartz:


    Blue quartz Gemstone meaning Blue quartz crystal is a soothing, stress-relief stone. It assists in the ability to reach out to others. Assuages fear Calms the mind Inspires hope Promotes understanding your spiritual nature Like all quartz, it can be used as a power amplifier during magic. Blue quartz is especially fine as a peace…

  • More Jade:


    Jade Egg Jade is an ancient stone that has historically been used to attract love. Display a jade egg in the place where you work to bring money into your life. When making an important business decision, use the prosperous energies of jade by holding it while contemplating your course of action. Jade strengthens your…

  • More Red Jasper:


    Red Jasper Egg A strong protection gemstone, red jasper is known to protect against hazards of the night. Red jasper is very lucky for actors. Jasper is one of the oldest known gemstones. It is mentioned in the Bible several times. Jasper is a strong securing gemstone. It is a stability gemstone. It is a…

  • More Rose Quartz:


    Rose Quartz Egg If you want to look and feel younger, keep this on your night stand or dressing table. Anywhere you have a Rose Quartz Crystal Ball or Egg, love will gather around it. Encourages self love Imparts empathy and sensitivity Strong romance energies Placed next to your bedside, can be an effective aid…

  • More Septarian:


    Septarian Egg Septarian (also known as Dragonstone) gets its name from the Latin word “saeptum”, which means a small wall or enclosure. The mineral-filled cracks that divide the walls of the septarian concretion give this stone a distinctive appearance. Septarian is a healing stone beneficial to overall health and well being. Opens psychic abilities Gives…

  • More Sodalite


    Sodalite Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. Sodalite brings inner peace. Point this wand toward any area where you want to direct a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere. Promotes peace and harmony Unites logic with intuition Opens spiritual perception Deepens meditation Instills an urge toward idealism Balances the throat…

  • More Tourmaline:


    Dravite (Champagne Tourmaline) meaning Dravite is a brown variety of tourmaline. It is an ideal stone for self-healing, aids in finding emotional strength and self-acceptance. Dravite inspires courage and persistence. It calms and soothes, grounding and stabilizing the inner self. Use Dravite with these compatible stones to clear and ground the root chakra and provide…

  • More Unakite:


    Unakite Egg Unakite is a stone of vision. It will balance your emotions while enhancing your visualization skills. Display this unakite egg to bring a calm, gentle energy to any room in your home. Unakite is said to lift your spirits when you are feeling down – this is the gemstone to help you to…