Showing 49–64 of 68 results

  • Serpentine (New Jade) Sphere


    New Jade (Serpentine) Ball Serpentine makes an exceptional meditation stone. It helps you to find inner peace. Serpentine was carried in ancient Assyria to request the gods and goddesses to provide double blessings. Nursing women used it to regulate their milk supply. Some of the uses of serpentine include: Protection Balances mood swings Encourages the…

  • Sheen Obsidian Ball


    Golden Sheen Obsidian Ball Obsidian is formed when volcanic lava comes into contact with water, cooling the lava quickly. This produces a glassy texture sometimes containing small bubbles of air that are aligned along layers during the cooling process. These bubbles can produce interesting effects such as the golden sheen you see here, known as…

  • Shungite sphere


    Shungite Sphere Shungite is sometimes called the “Stone of Life” due to it’s healing and antibacterial properties. Many people use shungite to create a healing spa in the home by placing it in some water to purify and charge the water with cleansing energy. Shungite is a stone of rejuvenation. This mineral is hailed as…

  • Sodalite gemstone sphere


    Sodalite Ball Sodalite brings inner peace. The peaceful properties of this sphere will flow all around to increase the harmony in your home. Sodalite is a dark blue stone with white calcite interspersed. It is sometimes confused with lapis lazuli as it also has small specks of pyrite in it. Sodalite is the stone of…

  • soothe a troubled heart


    Aventurine Ball Green Aventurine is a wonderful healing stone when you want to soothe a troubled heart or calm your emotions. Green brings a sense of balance and harmony. This is an excellent all-around healing stone for mental, emotional or physical distress. Aventurine is also known as the stone of luck and chance. Hold this…

  • Spinel gemstone sphere


    Red Spinel Sphere The name “spinel” is derived from the Greek word for spark, in reference to the fiery red color of spinels often used for gems. Spinel crystals are found in a wide range of colors, including red, orange, yellow, dark green, blue, purple, brown and black. Spinel – the stone of great renewal…

  • Stilbite ball


    Stilbite Ball Stilbite has a delicate quality, gently expanding a sense of self and beyond into the astral realm. This is a powerful stone that brings a calming influence and has been used to assist in restful sleep and vivid dreaming. It brings inner peace during meditation. Stilbite emanates vibrations of joy and love. Some…

  • Stromatolite Ball

    Stromatolite Ball Stromatolites are one of the oldest fossils known, some dating to over 3.5 billion years old. Stromatolites are actually structures formed by huge colonies of blue green algae (or cyanobacteria). Some scientists consider these bacteria to be the earliest life form on Earth. The cyanobacteria which dominate stromatolites process many of the building…

  • Sunstone gemstone sphere


    Sunstone Sphere AA Quality Sunstone was associated with the Sun during the Rennaissance because of its sparkling orange-gold hue. It was used by magicians to call upon the influences of the sun. It is a protective stone. Position this sphere in front of a white candle to spread protective energies throughout your home. Sunstone is…

  • Temp Sold Out

    Silver Lace Agate Ball Agate is an ancient stone with strong protection properties. It is one of the oldest stones in recorded history. Agate is used for: Strength Harmonize positive and negative forces Create a sense of safety and security Protection Alleviate bad dreams Protection from energy drains Place a banded agate at the head…

  • the most powerful gem in the universe


    Ruby Gemstone meaning The ruby is considered to be the most powerful gem in the universe, and is associated with many astral signs. To own a ruby is said to have contentment and peace. Placed under a pillow the ruby may ward off bad dreams. Ruby rings should be worn on the left hand so…

  • Tiger Iron gemstone sphere


    Tiger Iron Ball Tiger Iron is a banded stone consisting of layers of tiger eye, jasper and hematite. The name comes from the combination of tiger eye and iron-rich hematite. Along with tiger’s eye it is mined primarily in South Africa and Western Australia. Tiger Iron is a stone of courage, strength and stamina. It…

  • Placeholder

    Tourmalated Quartz Sphere


    Tourmalated Quartz Sphere This super lucky stone has the luck of both the quartz and tourmaline. The luck in this stone is very strong. Many use it by rubbing it when powerful luck is needed. Tourmalated Quartz is clear or milky Quartz with black Tourmaline needles. The clear quartz is an amplifier while the black…

  • Tree Agate Ball

    Tree Agate Ball Tree Agate is the common name for Dendritic Agate. It is known as the stone of plenitude. Place this ball anywhere that you want to encourage abundance and fullness. Some of the benefits of tree agate include: Enhances the health of house plants Creates a peaceful environment Deepens your connection to the…

  • Turquoise ball


    Turquoise Ball Turquoise is one of the oldest protection gemstones, and was also known as a symbol of wealth in many ancient cultures. Turquoise carries great wisdom of basic truth within it. You must learn to attune yourself to your turquoise rather than the stone attuning to you. It is a very personal stone. Back…

  • Unakite sphere


    Unakite Sphere Used in magic spell casting, unakite will give the user a more confident control of any spell. Unakite is a stone of vision. It will balance your emotions while enhancing your visualization skills. Display this unakite egg to bring a calm, gentle energy to any room in your home. Unakite is said to…