Roman gods and goddesses
ConcordiaGoddess of harmony, calm, relaxation, agreements, tranquility, empowerment, peace CupidGod of love, romance, passion FloraGoddess of flowers, plants, the Spring season, love, fertility, sexuality, abundance, growth, creativity, empowerment FortunaGoddess of fortune, abundance, enrichment, wealth, prosperity, love, good luck, sexuality GracesThree goddesses named Thaleia (abundance), Aglaia (splenor and radiance), and Eurphrosyne (joy and happiness) JunoMother goddess of love, romance, passion, fertility, matrimony, home, abundance, enrichment, prosperity JupiterFather god of magical power, enrichment, abundance, travel, communication, protection, wisdom MercuryGod of creativity, communication, creative arts, inspiration, messages, enrichment, empowerment |