Agate standing point


Crystal PointsCrystal Pyramids

agate point
Agate standing point


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Approx. Size:

3 – 3 1/2″ tall; 1 1/2″ wide cylinder


Protection, Healing

See also:

Click photo to enlarge

Agate gemstone


Agate Wands…

Agate Sphere…

Agate standing point

Agate is an ancient stone with strong protection properties. It is one of the oldest stones in recorded history.

Place this standing point in your home or office for:

  • Strength
  • Harmonize positive and negative forces
  • Create a sense of safety and security
  • Protection
  • Alleviate bad dreams
  • Protection from energy drains
  • Place at the head of your bed to encourage rich and varied dreams

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