Elestial Amethyst Points


Crystal PointsCrystal Clusters


#105 one available

Elestial Amethyst Points #105
1.8″ x 1.6″

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Protection, Healing

Elestial Amethyst Points…


#103 one available

Elestial Amethyst Points #103
2.4″ x 1.6″

See also:

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Amethyst Geode Ball

Amethyst Cathedral Geode

Amethyst Polished Slice

Amethyst Egg

Amethyst crystal point

Amethyst wand

Amethyst Sphere

Cluster Stand

Elestial Amethyst Points

Elestial Amethyst is a wonderful healing stone after trauma or shock. With curious markings, often called “etchings”, which seem to be ancient messages of the past, it is often used in past life healing and is beneficial in situations where one feels a need to make up for past damages done. It activates and balances the sacral hara chakra. It leads one to a more positive vibration in life. Elestial Amethyst is sometimes used to enhance sexuality and creativity.
A powerful crystal of feminie energy, Elestial Amethyst can be used to focus and amplify your natural leadership qualities, making it a fantastic stone for those who are embarking on new endeavors or career changes. Known for building self confidence and personal power, these crystals will make a great talisman.

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