Solid Copper Pyramid

SKU: b3bbccd6c008 Category:


Copper Pyramid

Pyramids amplify and then tightly focus energy through the apex. A pyramid is also used to enhance and focus the inherent properties of the stone.

Copper meaning

Any stone set in copper or used with copper with have an enhanced energy field. Copper even enhances the energy of silver and gold. There are some stones that are very powerful when used with copper. These stones are:

Copper is a healing metal

Copper has long been used as a healing metal, especially for arthritis and rheumatism. Copper has been used with blood and metabolism disorders. Copper acts as a conductor when worn on the body. Copper will help the healing effect of any stone when both touch the body.

Copper nugget

Copper Egg

Copper Sphere

Copper Wand

Gemstone Pyramids

Additional information


1.5" base




Power, Healing