Stromatolite Massage Wand

SKU: 9a3d458322d7 Category:


Stromatolite Healing Wand

The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip.

Stromatolites are one of the oldest fossils known, some dating to over 3.5 billion years old.

Stromatolites are actually structures formed by huge colonies of blue green algae (or cyanobacteria). Some scientists consider these bacteria to be the earliest life form on Earth. The cyanobacteria which dominate stromatolites process many of the building blocks of life, including oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen.

Stromatolites: a record from the emergence of life on earth

These fossils hold the energies of the earliest evolution of life on this planet. Use them to bring:

  • steadfast persistence
  • stability
  • connection to the essence of life
  • resilience and versatility

Additional information

Approx. Size:

3 1/2 – 4" long taperedrounded at both ends




Luck, Money, Love, Healing