Showing 17–32 of 49 results

  • Honey Calcite Massage Wand


    Honey Calcite Healing Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. Honey calcite activates the root chakra, solar plexus chakra and third eye, bringing these into harmony and balance. Honey calcite channels the highest mental faculties of the Crown Chakra into the physical body. It can be used to…

  • Howlite round tapered massage wand


    Howlite Healing Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. Healing properties of howlite Use a howlite healing wand to reduce phlegm, purify the blood, balance calcium disorders, strengthen teeth and bones. It makes an excellent antidote to insomnia due to an overactive mind. Focus on howlite to assist…

  • Iolite Massage Wand


    Iolite Wand Use a Iolite healing wand to open theThird Eye Chakra . Iolite opens a path to your deep inner self Use this stone to discover the lost parts of self and your inner treasures. It is an excellent stone for shamanic journeying or to assist in recovering information from past lives.

  • Jasper massage healing wand


    Jasper Massage Wand Jasper is one of the oldest known gemstones. It is a strong securing gemstone, a stability stone. Jasper offers powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence. Picture Jasper brings harmony and offers…

  • Jet massage wand


    Jet Massage Wand Jet occurs in black or dark brown and is a variety of coal known as lignite. The finest jet comes from England, and it is also found in the United States, Poland, France, Germany, Spain, India and Russia. Jet is an excellent stone for use in magic rituals to draw and channel…

  • Kyanite Free Form massage wand


    Kyanite Massage Wand Kyanite is an interesting gem that was discovered during the nineteenth century. It was once believed that a kyanite suspended from a human hair could follow the earth’s magnetic force. Early travellers sometimes used it as a compass when exploring unknown territories. Kyanite is a stone of connection It can bridge emotional…

  • Labradorite short massage wand


    Labradorite Massage Wand Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. Labradorite strengthens your intuitions. Use labradorite to: Stimulate imagination Develop enthusiasm and thus, new ideas To see more clearly in meditation

  • Lapis Lazuli eight sided wand


    Lapis Lazuli Massage Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. Lapis lazuli is an ancient gem, and as such, has a storied history. Egyptian cultures made a practice of burying a lapis lazuli scarab with their dead, and believed it to offer protection. The very earliest cultures valued…

  • More Sodalite


    Sodalite Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. Sodalite brings inner peace. Point this wand toward any area where you want to direct a peaceful, harmonious atmosphere. Promotes peace and harmony Unites logic with intuition Opens spiritual perception Deepens meditation Instills an urge toward idealism Balances the throat…

  • Moss Agate eight-sided massage wand


    Moss Agate Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. This double terminated (double pointed) wand radiates or absorbs energy at both ends simultaneously, channeling it in two directions at once. Double termination creates balance and allows a bridge between two energy points. Moss Agate makes a powerful wand…

  • Nephrite Jade massage wand


    Jade Massage Wand Jade is an ancient stone that has historically been used to attract love. Jade can be used to bring money into your life. When making an important business decision, use the prosperous energies of jade by holding it while contemplating your course of action. Jade strengthens your mental faculties and assists in…

  • Placeholder

    Pink Calcite


      Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of various types of energies. This transparent crystal can be found in a variety of colors including clear, green, pink, orange and blue. Pink Calcite is a heart crystal with strong forgiveness properties. Use it to release fear and grief that has trapped your love energy from…

  • Pink Mangano Calcite Rounded Massage Wand


    Pink Mangano Calcite Healing Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. This Calcite wand can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the Heart Chakra. Mangano calcite (pink calcite) is a heart crystal. It is associated with angels. The loving energy of mangano calcite dissolves…

  • Pyrite Rounded Massage Wand


    Pyrite Healing Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. The resemblance of pyrite to gold has made it a traditional symbol for money and good luck. It’s sunny golden color associates it with the sun, and with fortification and strengthening of the mind. The name comes from the…

  • Rainbow Fluorite Massage Wand


    Fluorite Wand This wand concentrates the energy of the spell. The energy is even more increased when the spell stone is wrapped onto the fluorite wand. Fluorite is known as the “Genius Stone” because it is said to increase concentration and help in decision-making. Fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations. It can be used to…

  • Red Snakeskin Agate Massage Wand


    Snakeskin Agate Healing Wand The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip. This unusual agate resembles the skin of a snake in appearance. It’s energies promote strength in times of excessive activity. It also encourages a pleasant personality by providing inner peace and an appreciation for the simple joy of…