Wrapping gemstone massage wands
Give Your Gemstone Wand a Tune-Up!The gemstone wand is one of the most powerful tools that can be used in ritual. Choose the wand of a stone that is the basis for ritual. For example:
Focus the energy by adding stonesTo make the wand an even more focused tool, add other stones to it by wrapping these onto the wand with silver
Let’s say I want to attract a new love in my life. I would take a rose quartz wand to attract love and wrap a moonstone
Now, suppose I have been married for several years and I love my spouse, but there isn’t much passion any more. In this
To become intuitive you may use an amethyst wand with amber for grounding. To get more money, an aventurine wand Here are a few stones that are good to add to the wand and their meanings.
The above is only a partial list of stones and some of their meanings. Get to know your gemstones by reading more about Clean your wandBefore using or wrapping your wand it should be cleaned. Place the wand in a glass container and completely
Clean the stones before you wrap them onto the wand. After the wand has been wrapped it is good to pass it in sage When not in use, keep your wands on your altar or wrapped in silk in a safe place.