

Fulgerite meaning

When lightning strikes the ground, the result is a little tube of melted minerals called a fulgurite. The tube is formed from the melted sand in a single powerful burst of electrical charge from the lightning.

Fulgerite enhances the power of your prayer.

It is believed that the lightning energy is a channel from the Divine, which remains within the fulgerite tube. This mineral is used to connect with Divine intention, and bring about a transformation of spiritual awakening.

Some uses of Fulgerite are:

  • Join with Divine energy
  • Surrender to Divine intention through prayer
  • Open a channel for intuition and psychic awareness
  • Purification

Sources of Fulgerite

Fulgerite is found in beaches and deserts all over the world.

Additional information

Approximate Size:

1" – 2" long; shapes vary


Sandy brown/black/gray


All Chakras


Personal power, awakening, manifestation of prayer