Showing 1057–1072 of 1768 results

  • New Jade (Serpentine) Pyramid


    New Jade (Serpentine) Pyramid Pyramids amplify and then tightly focus energy through the apex. This serpentine pyramid can be used to arouse the kundalini energies (serpent power said to reside at the base of the spine) and to draw off negative energy and blockage from all Chakras. Serpentine gets its name from the word ‘serpent’…

  • New Jade Egg


    Serpentine (New Jade) Egg Serpentine (also known as ‘New Jade’) is an earthing stone that is used to assist in meditation and exploring the spiritual realm. It stimulates the crown chakra. Use it this egg to open your psychic abilities and open the path to understanding the spiritual basis of your life. Serpentine was carried…

  • Nirvana quartz (Himalayan Ice Quartz)


    Nirvana Quartz (Himalayan Ice Quartz) This rosy quartz was recently discovered (in 2006) high in the Himalayan mountains in a region that had previously been submersed in ice all year round. The crystal formation is chunky and irregular – a result of calcite and other mineral deposits having once been attached to the crystal, but…

  • Nuummite Good Luck Pendant


    Nuummite Good Luck Pendant in sterling silver setting Nuummite, a rare stone mined only in Greenland, will elevate your personal power. It will introduce you to the deep inner gifts that reside within you. Nuummite is the most potent stone for increasing self-mastery. It enhances intuition and will facilitate an increase of good fortune. This…

  • Nuummite massage wand


    Nuummite Massage Wand Nuummite is a rare stone mined only in Greenland during the warm months. It is a very ancient stone (3 billion years old). Nuummite is a personal power stone, allowing one to access inner gifts deep within oneself. Used as a gazing stone, it enhances intuition and assist in the increase of…

  • Nuummite Oval Pendant


    Nuummite Oval Pendant in sterling silver setting Nuummite, a rare stone mined only in Greenland, will elevate your personal power. It will introduce you to the deep inner gifts that reside within you. Nuummite is the most potent stone for increasing self-mastery. It enhances intuition and will facilitate an increase of good fortune. This powerful…

  • Nuummite Power Pendant


    Nuummite Power Pendant in sterling silver setting Nuummite, a rare stone mined only in Greenland, will elevate your personal power. It will introduce you to the deep inner gifts that reside within you. Nuummite is the most potent stone for increasing self-mastery. It enhances intuition and will facilitate an increase of good fortune. This powerful…

  • Nuummite Tumbled Stone


    Nuummite Gemstone Nuummite is a rare stone mined only in Greenland during the warm months. It is a very ancient stone (3 billion years old). Nuummite is a personal power stone, allowing one to access inner gifts deep within oneself. Used as a gazing stone, it enhances intuition and assist in the increase of opportunities…

  • Placeholder

    Obsidian egg


    Obsidian Egg – golden sheen (rare) Rare golden sheen Obsidian egg. This is a powerful protection piece. This is the perfect thing to keep on your desk at work to keep others from draining you, especially if you are a sensitive person. It is also good if you have someone in your home that is…

  • Placeholder

    Obsidian Obelisk


    Obsidian Obelisk To the ancient Egyptians, an obelisk was a tower of protection and defense. The needle of the stone was believed to disperse negative forces in the environment. Black Obsidian helps to protect the very sensitive against depression. It is the stone of the soft hearted and gentle people of the world. Use obsidian…

  • Occo Crystal Geode


    Geode with crystals Small crystal caves of power and beauty! Whisper your hearts dream into the geode and let the magic start working! A geode is contained within an outer form. When it is opened, it is hollow with many crystals pointing inward. These unique and beautiful forms hold and amplify energy which is then…

  • Ocean Bee # 1967-2 in Golden Tree


    Natural Agate Slice: Wall or Window Hanging Sculpture Bee Symbol The Bee is considered a universal symbol of work ethic and diligence. Some cultures believe the bee is a messenger of the gods, bringing creativity and organization. Ancient egyptians compared the bee to royalty and wealth, due to their high productivity and the valuable honey…

  • Ocean Jasper pendant


    Ocean Jasper Pendant The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy. Stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras Increases expression of love in words and actions Gently brings into focus the positive aspects of one’s life Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace This powerful stone lifts negativity so…

  • Ocean Jasper Courage Pendant


    Ocean Jasper Courage Pendant The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy. Stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras Increases expression of love in words and actions Gently brings into focus the positive aspects of one’s life Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace This powerful stone lifts negativity…

  • Ocean Jasper Massage Wand


    each wand is different Ocean Jasper (Orbicular Jasper) Ocean Jasper (also called Orbicular Jasper) is an unusual jasper found only at a remote location on the coast of Madagascar that can only be mined at low tide! The colors vary widely – including white, green, pink, red, black, blue. The wild polka dots, wavy lines,…

  • Ocean Jasper Pendant


    Ocean Jasper Pendant The positive vibrations of Ocean Jasper make it a stone of joy. Stimulates solar plexus, heart and throat chakras Increases expression of love in words and actions Gently brings into focus the positive aspects of one’s life Brings relaxation and cooperation to the home or workplace This powerful stone lifts negativity so…