Winter Solstice gemstones
Power up your holidays with these supercharged seasonal gemstonesAlongside their beauty and rarity, gemstones are treasured for their mystical properties and For example, your own birthstone is most powerful for you during the time of your birth moonstone energy changes These gemstones are most powerful in December & January…
Winter Solstice GemstonesIn the Wiccan tradition, there are eight annual solar festivals called Sabbats. These eight celebrations are The gemstones for this sabbat are Bloodstone, Garnet |
Stimulation Stones…
The Angel StonesI believe that this time of the year abounds with miracles – and angels are all around us! It is a good time These stones promote communication with your angels. |
December BirthstonesIf you were born in the month of December, certain gemstones have more vibration power for you because they There are numerous traditions that have been developed over the centuries that connect a particular gemstone Turquoise, chrysoprase, hematite, |
Zodiac Stones: Sagittarius & CapricornEarly Sagittarian
Late Sagittarian (December 6 – 20)
Early Capricorn (December 21 – January 6)
Use your seasonal stones to jump start the new year!If, like most people, you find yourself making plans and resolutions for the coming year, choose a seasonal Lose weight… Health goals… Find love and passion…
Whether you wear gemstone jewelry or use your seasonal stone in rituals or meditation, the ‘gemstone blessings’ method below can you help Seasonal Gemstone BlessingsSit in a comfortable position with your seasonal gemstone in front of you. Think about the blessings in your Now visualize what you would like to accomplish in the coming months or year. Remember to include spiritual Breathe steadily and deeply, inhaling and exhaling slowly for about twenty minutes. As you meditate, send the Whenever you receive a big or small blessing, recharge the stone in the same manner. The gemstone blessings will be there anytime you need them!
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