Bloodstone Pyramid Pyramids amplify and then tightly focus energy through the apex. This bloodstone pyramid can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the Root Chakra. An imbalanced Root (Base) chakra can manifest as a build up of strong emotions, denial of these emotions, anger, selfishness, or lack of emotional responses that…
Chakra Stones Chakra means wheel of light in Sanskrit. The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically aligned in the center of the body close to the spine. If the Chakra are unbalanced – not properly aligned or…
Galena gemstone meaning Galena is a transformation stone. It is effective when embarking on a personal spiritual journey. Soul-retrieval, past life recall stone Galena is sometimes used in past life regression therapy as a guide to inner vision. It assists in facing and overcoming one’s deepest fears. Galena is an Earth stone and as such…
Jasper Healing Wand Protect yourself from harm with jasper. Jasper is an earthy, solid grounding stone. It encourages practicality and skillful application in a realistic way. One if its main energies is repair and healing of matters that are physical. Jasper can help you pursue and achieve your goals. Use a jasper healing wand to…
1-1.5″ Pair $9.50 Septarian Pair Septarian nodule sliced in half and polished on inside1 – 1/2″ slicesfrom Morocco Septarian (Dragonstone) meaning Septarian (also known as Dragonstone) gets its name from the Latin word “saeptum”, which means a small wall or enclosure. The mineral-filled cracks that divide the walls of the septarian concretion give this stone…
Red Calcite gemstone meaning Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of various types of energies. This transparent crystal can be found in a variety of colors and forms. including clear, green, pink, orange and blue. All calcites emanate a gentle energy – cleansing, revitalizing. Red Calcite opens the base chakra, bringing vitality and increased…
Sphalerite gemstone meaning Sphaelerite occurs in yellow, light to dark brown, black, red-brown, colourless, light blue. It is also known as Blende or Zinc Blende, and is the major ore of zinc. Sphalerite is a mineral of strength, vitality and grounding. It is used to balance and ground the higher chakras with the lower chakra…
Staurolite (Fairy Cross, Fairy Stone) gemstone meaning The name is derived from the Greek Stauros , meaning ‘cross’. Well-formed crystals are commonly twinned, crossing at 90 or 60 degree angles. The twin crystals found on staurolite are sometimes referred to as ‘Fairy crosses’ – as it was once believed to be created by the tears…
The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier This comprehensive introduction to chakras features all of the seven major energy centers of the body, their function, and the ideal way to heal and balance them. Comprehensive, authoritative and accessible, this book is the first complete guide to chakras that is suitable for everyone from the first-timer to…