Atlantasite gemstone meaning


Atlantasite brings peace to the environment.

Some believe that atlantasite can access information from Atlantis in order to complete endeavors started at that distant time.

Some uses of Atlantasite are:

  • Gain access to past lives
  • Stimulate spiritual development
  • Lower stress levels
  • Encourages thinking before speaking
  • Promotes successful thinking in business or regarding possessions

Sources of Atlantasite

Atlantasite is a relatively new mineral find. The purple and green combination only occurs in a small hilltop called “Stichtite Hill” which is in Zeehan, Tasmania. Atlantasite is a Magnesium Chromate (stitchtite)associated with the serpentine host rock.

Additional information

Approximate Size:

green with purple


All – especially Heart, Crown


Power, Healing, Money