Seal totem – symbol of Balance, intuition, discovery of inner voice
Mystery Love Use this spell to draw a new love closer, or to accelerate a relationship that has sparked a love interest. The ritual is to be done in a very quiet place. This place may be outside under the sky or inside. Before the ritual you must bath and put on clean clothes. Prepare…
Egg symbolism Throughout the ages, the egg has symbolized new beginnings, the spark of creation. Traditional folk religion regards the egg as a powerful symbol of fertility, purity and rebirth. Magic rituals often use eggs to promote fertility and restore virility (of the body and mind); and to foresee the future. Eggs mean growth, protection,…
Gemstone Articles Opal gemstone: History and Properties “Opal…Made up of the glories of the most precious gems, to describe it is a matter of inexpressible difficulty: there is in it the gentler fire of the Ruby, there is the brilliant purple of the Amethyst, there is the sea-green of the Emerald, all shining together in…
A family is a warm, wonderful, protected and lovely unit. Being part of a family can be very difficult. Both of these statements may be true at the same time. Our blood family passes many of our qualities to us. The genes we inherit we must accept and learn to deal with the…
Summer Solstice Spell Love Blessings Items needed: Rose petals Rose quartz stone (*or rose quartz pendant) Crystal quartz Blue quartz Emerald Jade Garnet Chalcedony Bag This Summer Solstice ritual may be done on any full moon, but is the strongest done on the June full moon. (June 22 in 2005) This is best done out…
Plant the Seeds to Your Success Now! You know spring is the time to plant seeds because the ground is most fertile during spring time. Your mind is also most fertile in spring. In spring your mind is ready to open for new thinking. Your mind wants success for you. Success in your business or…