Seal totem – symbol of Balance, intuition, discovery of inner voice
Tell me my totem $14.98 Amerindea will study your answers and tell you your totem, with information about the animal and why it is your totem. Or, for only $10 more … Tell me my totem, and ship it to me! $24.98 All of the above PLUS: Includes your 1″ x 1 1/2″ carved gemstone…
Symbols of friendship These symbols of friendship will be a a physical reminder for your friend of the loyalty, caring, trust, and comfort you share. Each symbol is carved from natural gemstone. Friendship stones bag Pouch of Friendship Stones Wish good fortune and happiness to someone special with this set of friendship stones in a…
Release from binding love Use this spell to free yourself from a love that was once very strong, but that you no longer desire. Rinse the candle and stone in saltwater to cleanse it of unwanted energies. Call in the elements. With the pen, write the name of the person you wish to break love…
The Lucky Elephant Every home should have at least one lucky elephant for every door in the house. Keep all the bad luck out and make sure the good luck stays in the house with the people who live there. The elephant is probably the most positive animal symbol known. The idea of the luck…
Gemstone Articles Precious and Sem-Precious Gemstones According to The American Geological Institute, a precious gem stone is defined as: “A gemstone that, owing to its beauty, rarity, durability, and hardness, has the highest commercial value and traditionally has enjoyed the highest esteem since antiquity; specifically, diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald (and sometimes pearl, opal, topaz,…
Ann Drake, Dream Consultant I am very pleased to recommend the services of dream consultant, Ann Drake. Find out the meaning of your dreams! Ann Drake has practiced dream analysis for over twenty years. She has made an intensive study of the works of Carl Jung, Marie Louise Von Franz, David Engle and numerous other…