Magic Love Spell: Garnet Glamour
Money Stones – Love Stones – Lucky
Stones – Power Stones – Protection Stones
Healing Gem Stones – Birthstones – Gemstone
Jewelry – Gemstone Colors – Birthstone Chart
Money Stones – Love Stones – Lucky
Stones – Power Stones – Protection Stones
Healing Gem Stones – Birthstones – Gemstone
Jewelry – Gemstone Colors – Birthstone Chart
Religious Symbols: Tree of Life and the Kabbalah (also kabala, cabala, cabbalah, cabbala, quabbalah) And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good…
Color Quiz 1. I almost always take the consequences for my actions. Yes No 2. I very seldom indulge in self-pity. Yes No 3. I want to live life to the full and I work at it everyday. Yes No 4. I am a persistent person and endeavor to attain my goals. Yes No 5….
Do you have the level of prosperity that you desire? Whether you are starting a new career, or trying to improve your current lifestyle, a personal prosperity quest map can help you to make the decisions that will help you to attain your financial goals. Use the energy around you to walk a prosperous path…
Carved Gemstone Animals Totem Medicine Wheel North American Birth Totem What is a Totem? Find Your Personal Totem Do You Know Your Personal Totem? Birth totems Agate Art Totems Book: Simply Totem Animals
Gemstone Articles Faceting Gemstones The average person viewing a faceted diamond or colored gemstone will be amazed at the complexity of design and the amount of work and patience it must have required to produce such a stunningly beautiful product. Faceting is the art of cutting facets, or flat faces, on the geometric shapes of…
Color Gold It is no surprise that gold symbolizes wealth used wisely, but it is also the symbol of good health. People who favor the color gold are optimistic. Gold Energy The tibetan Buddhist believes in 5 sacred stones: the crystal for light, turquoise for infinity of sea and sky, coral for life…