Emerald Fuchsite Massage Healing Wand

SKU: 3ad7c2ebb96f Category:


Emerald Fuchsite Healing Wand

The pointed end of a wand focuses the energy tightly through the tip.

This emerald fushcite wand can be used to draw off negative energy and blockage from the Heart Chakra. A balanced Heart Chakra means expansion, freedom and growth.

Emerald is widely considered to be a prosperity stone. It encourages abundant blessings to flow into your life, enhancing your ability to attract those benefits that are most needed and desired at a given time.

Fuchsite amplifies the energy of crystals and facilitates their transfer. It releases one to his own unique pathway.

Emerald and fushchite together make a powerful combination!

Emerald properties

Gemstone wands

Additional information

Approx. Size:

3 1/2 – 4" long rounded at both ends


Deep emerald green


Love, Abundance, Healing